AI-Driven Data Anonymization & Redaction Software

Replace sensitive information with synthetic data, tokenization or asterisks using Nymiz. This eliminates the possibility of compromising data privacy while maintaining the usability and context of the data, making it suitable for data sharing and machine learning applications

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Top Companies

How Nymiz Works?

Nymiz’s platform provides various workflows, both reversible and irreversible, including anonymization and pseudonymization. It also offers substitution methods like tokenization and synthetic data replacement to anonymize or redact data, tailored to the specific use case and the final goals of your organization.

Substitution by
Synthetic Data

commonGroup 278

Substitution by

commonGroup 279

Substitution by

commonGroup 280

Product Demo Video

Leverage LLMs to their Full Potential without Risking Data Privacy

Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT can be safely used with the help of Nymiz. Our solution allows organizations to substitute sensitive information in databases and documents with synthetic data. Nymiz makes sure that anonymized files can be securely shared with LLMs for data analysis, machine learning and more.

Anonymizes Data in

102 languages

Nymiz identifies, anonymizes, and substitutes personal information in 102 languages, allowing you to safeguard client data, gain valuable insights, and comply with privacy regulations such as GDPR, CPRA, HIPAA, and others.

Anonymize Your First Document For Free

Tailor Made Solutions

For Your Company

We create specific solutions tailored to your organization’s needs for data anonymization and redaction

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