Users can choose between tokenization, masking, and synthetic data generation, allowing them to select the type of anonymization that best suits the objectives of the document.
Anonymization and pseudonymization options allow companies to comply with data protection regulations such as the GDPR, ensuring that sensitive data is kept secure and private.
It is capable of anonymizing large volumes of data in a short time; for example, it can anonymize a 40-page document with more than 30 sensitive data in approximately 30 seconds.
Nymiz automatically detects sensitive data, minimizing the risk of human error and speeding up the anonymization process.
Allows you to permanently delete or redact selected information in a PDF file only.
Ideal for small documents where identifying sensitive data is easy and manageable manually.
Initial Setup
Nymiz requires some initial setup to define the appropriate anonymization method, but this allows the anonymization process to be automated and tailored to each case.
Manual process:
Redaction in Adobe Acrobat requires the user to manually identify and select each element to be redacted, which can be extremely laborious in long documents.
Risk of human error:
By relying entirely on manual selection, the tool is open to human error, as it is possible to inadvertently omit certain sensitive data.
Limited method:
Adobe Acrobat only allows the use of the black line for redaction, which may be insufficient when the structure or context of the information needs to be preserved.
Case Study :
To better understand how both tools work in a real-world environment, let's look at a use case in the healthcare sector, where the protection of patient data is critical and heavily regulated. Let's imagine that a hospital needs to anonymize its patients' medical records in order to perform a statistical analysis without compromising privacy.
Manually identify all sensitive data in each medical record, such as names, addresses, and identification numbers.
Apply the black line to each selected piece of data, censoring it visually.
Repeat the process for each page, verifying that no confidential information has been omitted.
Risk of human error: Since the process relies on manual identification, there is a high risk of accidentally omitting sensitive data, which could compromise patient privacy.
Time investment: For a 40-page file, this process could take 40-60 minutes, especially if the medical record contains multiple references to personal data.
Limited value of data: Blackline redaction completely removes the context of the data, limiting its use for advanced analysis.
Risk of human error: Automatic detection eliminates the risk of human error, ensuring that all sensitive data is protected.
Limited value of data: By generating synthetic data or applying tokenization, Nymiz allows the document to retain its structure and value, making it easy to use for statistical analysis or AI model training without compromising privacy.
Time investment: Anonymizing a 40-page file takes just 30 seconds, representing a significant time saving for medical staff.
Both Nymiz and Adobe Acrobat are useful tools for data protection, but they fit different needs. While Adobe Acrobat may be a suitable solution for short documents with little sensitive data, Nymiz is suited to contexts where large volumes of data are handled, with a constant need for privacy and accuracy.
Nymiz provides a robust solution to protect sensitive data quickly and accurately, allowing companies and institutions to maintain privacy and optimize their work, without sacrificing data quality and regulatory compliance.
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Financiado por el programa de ayudas HAZITEK 2024 del Departamento de Industria, Transición Energética y Sostenibilidad del Gobierno Vasco y de la Unión Europea (FEDER).