AI-Driven Data Anonymization Software

“Need to know” is streamlined. Harmonizing knowledge management and data anonymization for compliance with legal laws.

Anonymize your first document on a live demo


1,000,000 Anonymized By Nymiz

Limitations of Traditional Data Anonymization Methods

Time-Consuming Data Processing

Hours spent anonymizing data manually is time taken away from actual work.

Knowledge Silos

When data isn’t easily shareable, information gets trapped, creating silos within the organisation and leading to poor knowledge management.

Regulation Hurdles

The constant worry of whether shared data is compliant with ever-evolving regulations (GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA & more).

anonimización de datos

Anonymization &

Nymiz securely anonymize personal data, through reversible or irreversible methods. The original data is replaced with asterisks, tokens or synthetic surrogates to improve privacy while maintaining the value of the information.

Natural Language

By recognizing context-specific data like names, phone numbers, and social security numbers, we achieve superior results compared to tools that lack artificial intelligence capabilities.


Database &
Unstructured Docs

Nymiz protect data in both structured data sources like huge databases and unstructured documents with advanced anonymization and pseudonymization techniques such as token or synthetic data replacement among masking to extract all the value of personal data.


Nymiz can read data in 102 languages besides English and Spanish.

AAA Data Security

Additional security layer at the data level. Anonymized or pseudonymized information has no practical value if it is stolen through a security breach or exposed by human errors.

100% Adherence To Data
Privacy Laws

Comply with regulatory requirements regarding privacy and data protection for various frameworks: GDPR, CCPA, LOGPD & more.

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Client Testimonials

Carlos García - Egocheaga


The anonymization of legal documents is essential today due to data protection laws. Therefore, Nymiz is an essential product within the legal ecosystem.

Ana Martínez Blanco

Ayuntamiento de Galdakao

Nymiz has helped us send documentation containing private data in a simple way and has greatly expedited procedures within the City Council.

Ismael Alvarez

Universidad de Málaga

As researchers working with confidential patient data, it is essential for us to have a tool that ensures data anonymization. Since we began using Nymiz's services in 2022, we have been very satisfied with the tool's ease of use and the results, which have made our daily work easier.

Antonio Jesús González

Ayuntamiento de Cáceres

Nymiz is a friendly company, eager to work, flexible, and attentive to the needs of the administration.


Substitution Methods

Nymiz offers different substitution methods depending on the use case and the final goal of your organization.




unlocking its value with nymiz

Apply advanced data analytics on anonymized or pseudonymized data Keep the context and readability of documents intact Use anonymized data in test environments


Tailor Made Solutions For Your Company

We create specific solutions tailored to your organisation’s needs for data anonymization

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